Muhannad Shono in his studio. Credit: Bala Ochangco / Seeing Things

Camille Chedda in Kingston Creative. Image Credit: Dennis Fyffe / Denni Visuals

Io Makandal – Feral Commons, Image Credit: Earl Abrahams

Global Co-commission curator, Tairone Bastien

Alserkal Avenue

Alserkal Avenue

Kingston Creative

Victoria Yards

Victoria Yards

Learn more about The Global Co-Commission Project by visiting A Feral Commons.


Specialist foundry UAP aims to "Make Art Happen"

Specialist foundry UAP aims to "Make Art Happen"

UAP is an international production and metal workshop that is responsible for creating everything from large-scale public art or architecture commissions to the iconic Oscars statuettes for the Academy Awards.

Alserkal Avenue, Dubai, UAE

Alserkal Advisory New Co-Commissioning Initiative

The new co-commissioning initiative includes the participation of four cultural districts across the world, with local artists responding contextually to themes of global concern



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