Lindy Lee

Lindy Lee

#Seeds of Birth and Death & The Ripples of 1,000 Elemental Affirmations


Lindy Lee's spectacular and sophisticated works shimmer in the light-filled lobby of 100 Pacific Highway, defining the character and ambience of the interior space, and elevating the experience of those using and passing through the environment.

A major centrepiece of the refurbished lobby, the commission resulted in the creation of two unique artworks by Lindy Lee: Seeds of Birth and Death and The Ripples of 1,000 Elemental Affirmations

Sensitively fixed to the sandstone wall of the interior lobby, Seeds of Birth and Death is an extension of the artist’s ‘flung bronze’ wall pieces, which reference the ancient Chinese practice of ‘flung ink painting’. 

The Ripples of 1,000 Elemental Affirmations is both a spectacular artistic work, and functional screen. Dividing the middle of the building foyer, the work comprises eight laser-cut stainless-steel panels, layered in a constellation of star-like perforations.

Eastview engaged UAP to develop a site-specific commissioned artwork for the refurbished entrance lobby of the 100 Pacific Highway commercial development in Sydney, Australia. Lindy Lee, was unanimously selected for the commission from a shortlist of five commendable Australian artists.

Lindy Lee is represented by Sullivan + Strumpf and Sutton Gallery.

Image credits: Rachel See, Kadin Bielefeld

#Project summary


Lindy Lee

Artwork Title

Seeds of Birth and Death & The Ripples of 1,000 Elemental Affirmations


100 Pacific Highway






Sydney, Australia



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