Kent Morris

Kent Morris

#Where We Walk


Kent Morris, a Barkindji man residing on the lands of the Kulin Nation in Naarm/Melbourne, reconstructs the built environment through a First Peoples lens. Despite ongoing colonial interventions, his work highlights the enduring presence and patterns of Aboriginal history and knowledge within contemporary Australian landscapes. Morris's art is deeply rooted in showcasing the intersection of traditional culture and modern urban settings.

'Where We Walk,' a public artwork by Morris, is a significant cultural marker located in the South Yarra Siding Reserve area of Victoria, Australia. The sculpture, anchored by hand-sculpted granite stones referencing stone tool technology, features vibrantly painted aluminium sheets and life-size cast aluminium crows symbolizing the ancestral protector, Waa. The base, shaped like a flaked stone tool and made from basalt pavers, reflects the site's history of stone knapping. This artwork is not just a physical structure, but a symbol of cultural heritage, honoring the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung people and inspiring the community to appreciate the rich knowledge embedded in the land.

We are proud to have played a crucial role in the creation of 'Where we Walk,' supporting Morris with rendering and 3d modelling services and managing the fabrication and installation. Commissioned through a competitive design process managed by the Metro Tunnel program, we helped ensure the successful delivery of this 2.85-metre-tall public artwork, celebrating and preserving First Nations cultural heritage amidst urban development.

Photos by Rachel see, Andrew Noble, Murphy Whitmore, Courtesy of Rail Network Alliance

#Services provided


Digital Modelling and Renders
Material Exploration
Construction Methods
Installation Methodology


Technical Drawings
Pattern Making
Paint Shop
Lost Wax Casting & Sand Casting
Welding & Fabrication
Finishing & Patina
Installation Methodology


#Project summary


Kent Morris

Artwork Title

Where We Walk


Metro Tunnel South Yarra Siding Reserve


Rail Infrastructure Alliance (RIA) and Rail Projects Victoria (RPV)




Melbourne, Australia



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